Bloomsbury Festival highlights

Bloomsbury Festival gave us the chance to make work that sat in the beautiful sunken gardens on Malet St. This little film of Bloomsbury Festival 2022 highlights. gives you a glimpse of our piece (2mins 20 secs)

Nestled in Malet St gardens in Bloomsbury, Flight Patterns wove together stories of conscientious objectors, the price of war, forbidden love and desire. Whilst the text was from early 20th Century writers including Katherine Mansfield, (whose centenary is celebrated this year), Virginia Woolf, Julian Bell, Sidonie- Gabrielle Colette, Willem Elsschot and T S Eliot, the characters experiences and journeys spoke to the audience today. Not only that but the piece had the constant presence of migratory birds visible as the actors moved between human form and a bird.

Our show ended with the call that it was 'time’; time to go- onwards. The audience was ‘sung’ back out of the garden with a farewell song, composed by Tristan Parkes and set to text of Walt Whitman.

Key to the making of the piece with its bird/ human stories, was that the garden we arrived in and played in was left as it was found- unharmed, unchanged, save for the memories of the stories and songs lingering tangibly still, in the air.

This piece was made by Company Gabrielle Moleta and Facing North Theatre

Photos - above by Pete Le May

Below by Stuart Keegan

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